Summer of 2021 marks one of the driest years we have ever had as a state. Local lawmakers have instated new regulations to help fight back against our low water levels. This includes a limitation on when irrigation water for sprinklers could be turned on.
These regulations also include fines for going over a certain number of gallons used per month. As concerned local citizens, we should all do our part to prevent wasted water. It is always essential to keep an eye open for hidden water leaks. This summer, perhaps most of all. Below are some reasons why you have a high water bill and what can be done about it.
There is an outdoor water leak somewhere.
When most people think of a catastrophic water leak, they have images in their heads of bursting pipes and water blasting in all directions.
Although burst pipes do happen, most of the water leaks we repair are no larger than a pinhole in a line. Even a small hole to see with the naked eye can cause hundreds of gallons to be wasted every month. It is a shame to think that many of us are letting our lawns turn brown, to know huge amounts of water are being wasted through an underground pipe.
Leaky toilets, faucets, or water fixtures
It may or may not surprise you to learn that household toilets account for around 30 percent of all indoor water use in a home. A toilet that is constantly running can waste over 6,000 gallons of water in a month. This year, high water usage can mean hundreds of extra dollars added to your water bill. The good news is that most leaks in these areas are easy to identify and fix. For example, you should be able to hear the sound of your toilet tank filling up and never stopping. That faint hissing sound you are hearing is the sound of water being wasted. Leaks in a faucet or showerhead can often be verified by simply looking at the fixture to see if water is dripping.
Hidden leaks that have yet to be identified
Remember that your water usage should stay relatively the same if you have not changed your water usage habits. A large water leak will happen every once in a while, but the signs have yet to surface. For example, water can leak and collect under the concrete slab your home is built on.
These leaks can lead to vast amounts of damage to the foundation of your home or property. In other cases, there may be a crack or breakage in the lateral line of your home. These are the pipes that feed water from your metered connection to the rest of your home.
These pipes can be damaged from tree roots, seismic activity, and even animals if you live in a more rural area of Salt Lake or Utah County.